How To Tell If You Are On The Winning Team

I've been on a lot of teams throughout my life. I think that the older you get, the wiser you become in who you allow into your world. If you've learned hard lessons in the differences between negative people and people that lift you up and only give you positive affirmations, then it becomes easy to weed out the bad seeds so you can grow and be elevated with the good seeds.
On September 16th, our Foundation had our First Fall Wellness Fair. Our goal was to provide Community, Resources, and Fellowship with our local residents of East Side San Jose.
We gave out free flu shots, raffle prizes, free blood pressure and glucose readings, free massages, free Zumba and personal training classes, and had 34 wellness vendors who shared their resources with care and passion to our community. Many of the attendants got a lot of their questions answered and came home with a bunch of helpful resources as well as free giveaways from the vendors. We even had natural and holistic resources such as aromatherapy as well as a Naturopathic Doctor who talked about live blood cell analysis and gut health. What also specialized us from other wellness fairs were the 2 local churches (River of Life Family Church and South Bay Church) that were present to provide prayer, info on bible studies classes, Financial Peace classes, fellowship and more. We also had a chaplain whose expertise was in Bereavement Counseling ready to help.
We had gracious donors who gave money to help pay for the Wellness Fair Costs.
Successful business owners/organizations also donated raffle prizes, gift cards, goodie bags, supplements, food and drinks for our volunteers, spiritual books, and medical equipment to help make a difference.
The theme that kept coming up as I observed the fair was the quality of volunteers and vendors that were there. Ray Molina (Team Member) created a FB Live to showcase some of our vendors early on in the fair and I got to see the passion behind the services of the vendors.
As the Events Specialist of the Fair, many were coming up to me after the event because they noticed how well we all worked together and how warm, giving, and loving the team and vendors were. We were all truly blessed to work well as a unit. Everyone knew their role and executed. I did not need to be giving out instructions all day.
If you are looking to elevate your circle of influence, below are the qualities that makes a winning team. If you already have these qualities in your team, consider yourself in excellent company.
*Servitude Personality
*Unified to execute a common goal
*Strong Leadership Skills
*Provides a path for future generations
*Selfless at Giving
*Clear vision
*Will walk through the fire with you
*Fun to be around
I would also like to add a great team is also one that likes to laugh and break bread together and enjoy yummy food and good company. Because our team sure loves to eat! Thank you Rochelle at Roc's Rockin' Catering and Events for the delicious Puerto Rican Food for our Team and Vendors!
Check back in our Events page for any new updates. See below for pics of our
Fall Wellness Fair. See you at our next event!
I am currently working on a Mental Wellness Summit coming up in November so we have tools and resources to keep us sane and mentally well as we go into the busy Holiday Season. Take care and be well.